Thursday, September 25, 2008

Journal 15: September 25

I've been getting used to HTML now. I just analyzed the code for All Music Guide and Jeffrey Zeldman's Web site. I'm getting better and better at reading what the coding means! I also have been taking tutorials online to show me how to read and write code. This is something I really want to be able to do well, so I'm putting in the time to make sure I learn it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Journal 14: September 17


I just discovered there is an organization in charge of setting up Web standards for Europe. That's a really great idea! The thing is, there is nothing the in the article to suggest the United States has anything to do with this. Of course, this isn't surprising. The USA tends to lag behind Europe a bit in most matters. It seems like it'll be a while before we incorporate any socialist ideals into our system (i.e. European Union), and Obama's universal healthcare plan hits me as something that sounds better on paper than reality.

Back on point.

It's necessary that the United States get on board with this. The Internet is a major reason for our current state of globalization and we need to make sure it works with every other country.

Journal 13: September 17

I'm curious.

HTML code can support any language you want to put on the page. I found some various languages across the Web and they all appeared in their original form in the Page Source window. But what do Web designers in other countries use for HTML? Words like "source," "script," and "link" all appear in English. Is that just because of the country I'm viewing this from, or do all Web designers need to know English?

Journal 12: September 17

This is the place to mention Internet epiphanies, right? Right.

So I'm sick of Web sites that take way too much time to load on certain browsers and go quickly on others. Where's the consistency? The trouble is, I haven't picked out the right super-costume to wear when single-handedly fixing the entire Internet. So I realized that maybe it's best to get more browsers. That's a lot of work, right? Maybe. But maybe not. I use Blogger to, well, blog. But man, Blogger takes forever to load on Firefox. I mean, it just timed out on me a couple minutes ago. Talk about a drag! So Google owns Blogger. It also owns Chrome. Maybe Blogger works great with Chrome? Possibly. It's worth a shot!

I had just another epiphany: Gary Numan is perfect background music for writing about computers on computers.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Journal 11: September 16

I'm starting to realize that my future job as a writer will hinge on my ability to navigate the channels of Web design.

My goal is to write for a Web site. This means I'll not only have to write in a Web-friendly way, but I will, most likely, have to design the pages I'll be writing on.

Even if I don't, people will need me to help them with their own Web problems because of my position, and I'm going to need to provide good assistance. My job will really depend on it. This makes my Web design class absolutely essential to my future career.

Journal 10: September 16

The Flash Player is starting to annoy me.

As my wonderful Macintosh ages, it is s-l-o-w-i-n-g down. This does not bode well for surfing the Flash-infested Internet. Yes, the pages load, but they are starting to take so long! And for what? Advertisements. I can't remember the last page I have been on that featured Flash content in and of itself. It's the stupid ads that have it and ruin my load times! Do I need to see an over-joyed person dancing like an idiot IN FRONT OF THE EIFFEL TOWER because they got a new mortgage rate? No, I don't. Nor do I want to.

This Flash craze needs to end now.

Journal 9: September 16

Zeldman has me thinking.

He says 99% of Web sites are outdated. How can this be? Aren't there huge amounts of Web developers out there making creations with the latest technology? What do they do all day?

Well, I guess the question was answered a bit in a YouTube video shown in class explaining the demands of Web authors. They have to deal with no-nothing bosses, page redesigns, and clients with unrealistic demands.

So I guess that answers my question.

But there are so many sites out there that seem just fine. I believe I mentioned Yahoo in a previous post. Yahoo performs its functional duties, but it's still outdated? I wonder what other popular sites are there are also dinos?

The real question is: If these sites are outdated, what will up-to-date sites look like?

Really, I guess I have a lot to learn.

Journal 8: September 16

I'm back!

Class today was interesting. We went over an article by a man named Zeldman. It covered the do's and don'ts of Web authoring. The article explained various things designers/authors need to keep in mind when designing pages, and used some surprising examples of what not to do (Yahoo!).

Of course, all of this reading was due before class, we just analyzed the work. In the name of analysis, we got into groups and made presentations describing exactly what the site was talking about.

PowerPoint redemption.

Lori was in my group and we nailed the presentation. Our slides were great, and we provided a good, timely lecture for the class.

PowerPoint redemption.

Journal 7: September 16

Oh man, this blog has gotten away from me a bit. It's been unintentional, though. I like doing this every day and plan on starting to do so.

I suppose a recap of my PowerPoint performance is due... The slides looked great, I spoke well (but not great), and I hit most of my topics. That's the positive side. The negative side, unfortunately, outweighs that aspect in this case.

So my presentation was over ten minutes long. Ouch. I missed a few topics I was planning on hitting. Ouch. I talked fast and shaky. Ouch. Who would have thought I would be a bundle of nerves up there? I'm never nervous in school presentations.

Oh well, there is some more good news to be told, though.

I got a very good grade. Really, that's all that matters.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Journal 6: September 11

Today is the day I get to unveil my PowerPoint presentation regarding All Music Guide. I've analyzed it, re-analyzed it, and viewed it countless times. I guess that means I'm ready! I've got a lot of points I want to go through, but not much time to do it. Hopefully I can go fast! Wow, I've used two exclamation points in this post. Good sign?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Journal 5: September 8

The first PowerPoint for WRA 210 was due today. It was a fun little project that I got to do about one of my favorite sites, All Music Guide. Not only did it give me an excuse to spend way too much time on the site, but it gave me insight into the way the Internet works. I discovered what makes people go to the site and what keeps them coming back. Admittedly, AMG needs a lot of work but, in some sort of cathartic way, this project helped me channel my negative feelings about the site to do something productive, instead of just exist as annoyed mutterings when I get frustrated on the page. I'm all done with the project now, and just have to present it. I'll be interested to see just how accurate my findings are.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Journal 4: September 2

We critiqued Web sites in class today. I guess I always knew a lot of work goes into the creation of Internet media, but there are so many details that go into making a site "good" or "bad."

All I have to say is it must take a special kind of person to make a Web site as bad as some of the ones we saw today. It's like they looked at all the possible things that go into a well-thought-out site and did the exact opposite.

There is a difference between doing a lousy job and having bad taste. I dare say some of these tread the line.

This is another reminder that taste is not an acquired trait.