Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Journal 12: September 17

This is the place to mention Internet epiphanies, right? Right.

So I'm sick of Web sites that take way too much time to load on certain browsers and go quickly on others. Where's the consistency? The trouble is, I haven't picked out the right super-costume to wear when single-handedly fixing the entire Internet. So I realized that maybe it's best to get more browsers. That's a lot of work, right? Maybe. But maybe not. I use Blogger to, well, blog. But man, Blogger takes forever to load on Firefox. I mean, it just timed out on me a couple minutes ago. Talk about a drag! So Google owns Blogger. It also owns Chrome. Maybe Blogger works great with Chrome? Possibly. It's worth a shot!

I had just another epiphany: Gary Numan is perfect background music for writing about computers on computers.

1 comment:

RJD said...

The down side is Chrome does NOT have a Mac component right now. They are working on it, but don't have that out yet.