Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Journal 4: September 2

We critiqued Web sites in class today. I guess I always knew a lot of work goes into the creation of Internet media, but there are so many details that go into making a site "good" or "bad."

All I have to say is it must take a special kind of person to make a Web site as bad as some of the ones we saw today. It's like they looked at all the possible things that go into a well-thought-out site and did the exact opposite.

There is a difference between doing a lousy job and having bad taste. I dare say some of these tread the line.

This is another reminder that taste is not an acquired trait.

1 comment:

RJD said...

Bad taste or just a time crunch. Sometimes people are in such a hurry to post they don't consider or can't think too long about how the presentation will be received ... That's when the potential for issues can occur - and not minor ones.