Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Journal 60: December 2

This semester has been an exciting one, especially in WRA 210. When I transfered to MSU, I knew I wanted to write for a Web site, but had no idea how much it would entail. My Web experiece was, for all intents and purposes, nil. My experience with computers was pretty much limited to knowing I prefered Macs to PCs because they run GarageBand so I could make albums with my, umm, garage bands. My knowledge 16 weeks ago is no match for my knowledge now. Same goes for my expectations for my future career. Things seem to be turning out perfectly!

Journal 59: December 2

I guess I'm still thinking about rapidly changing technology. I've realized that's pretty much why I became a Professional Writing major in the first place. I was originally a Journalism major. Though I was good at writing in a journalistic style, I really didn't like its constraining nature. But that's not what drove me to quit. I decided that the newspaper is quickly becomming an example of "old" technology - it's on the decline. So many people get their news from CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Etc. None of those media outlets have a printed edition. I looked at my future as a newspaper man, and it felt unstable. Web authoring is where the writing jobs are growing, and that's what I want to be doing when I graduate.

Journal 58: December 2

So I'm hopelessly addicted to The X-Files, and have been for quite some time. Well, I've been trying to watch the whole series from start to finish this year, using my very small about of free time. I'm almost up to season four, but that's not what I'm intending on writing about here. What I've noticed by this excursion is how hilariously dated the show is by the technology it features. The characters scramble to find dial-up access, very few people possess cell phones, gene therapy is "theoretical," and huge villainous computers run programs straight out of the stone age. The show exists in an era when technology was still coming into its own, when there were just as many capabilities as creations. Information still had to be found using libraries and their micofiche. The Internet was used only by those highly versed in its strange ways. The thing is, it really wasn't that long ago. Yet, it still feels like a foreign world to me. In fact, I wasn't even that young - maybe eight years old. I guess the point of this post is that our technological world is advancing at such a rapid pace, and I'm not only involved in it, I'm trying to become entrenched in it. That means it won't just be my job to create with technology. It will also be my job to keep up with it.

Journal 57: December 2

Technologically, there are a lot of advantages to being a student. I mean, MSU gives me this huge AFS space to host any Web sites I may create. And then there's the MSU computer store that gives me massive discounts on software. And last week, when I was checking out MacBooks at the Apple store, I was told I'll recieve a $200 student discount. Oh yeah, and if this year works the same as last year, I'll recieve a free iPod because I'll be a student purchasing a computer during the back-to-school sale. Umm... Maybe grad school is a good choice after all!

Journal 56: December 2

Way back when, I did a project exploring one of my favorite sites. During the project, I outlined many of its flaws and explained how it could be improved. Despite its problems, I still visit All Media Guide nearly every day. Well, I may get a chance to help them out. I recieved word of an internship I can take at the site's office in Ann Arbor. I'm currently pursuing that internship, and hopefully it will work out this summer. Of course, I don't expect to change the site myself, or necessarily get the chance to change anything. But it will be cool to get involved and see how such a site is created firsthand. How knows, maybe I could get a chance to help them develop and impliment ways of improving the site!

Journal 55: December 2

Looking forward at career paths I might choose, I've decided I would really like to get involved in something that involves
Web authoring. It's something I enjoy, something I think I'm pretty good at, and something I know I'll get better at. It involves creativity, which I possess, and requires skill in writing, which I also possess. I'm trying to get more practice in the field to better my chances at finding a job like that. I'm also doing more research into Web design. I think I'll be able to make this happen if I keep working at it.

Journal 54: December 2

It's amazing how streamlined Facebook and the like has become with our culture. It's like everybody has one. I mean, I was on just the other day and discovered a profile belonging to my 60-something former employer. What in the world? This year, my 50-something-year-old aunt befriended me. That's not a problem, or anything, but it's just... weird. And then there's my brother-in-law who spends his time finding Facebook-only girlfriends. Now, the news reported a divorce stemming from an affair on Second Life. Second Life?? My avitar couldn't even find friends on Second Life. Much less... whatever that was...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Journal 53: December 1

One of the ways I've been thinking of improving my site is to use Dreamweaver templates. My reasoning behind this is to see what their coding looks like so I can try to replicate it in the future and solve my compatibility issues once and for all. I mean, I've kind of been plagued by those all semester. I am curious, though. Are the Dreamweaver templates compatible with all browsers, or do they suffer the same ailments as my site? I guess the only real way of learning that answer is to try it out myself. I look forward to that!

Journal 52: December 1

I've been thinking a lot about the economy lately. I'm not scared of the future by any means, I'm just curious as to what could happen. What would happen if we had another Great Depression in this era? There are countless answers to that question, of course, but what would happen specifically to technology? Would there be a decline in Web sites because people couldn't afford computers, Internet access, Web hosting, etc.? Or would the costs go so far down that everyone would get involved, further incorporating the Web in with our culture? Or would all of this just... disappear? Our society is so dependent on technology, it seems that some people would almost cease to exist without it - they'd lose their source of income, their livelihood, their talents. Because of that aspect, I don't feel that it's possible for the Internet to completely go away. I hope it doesn't. This is giving me a headache.

Journal 51: December 1

I'm fully intending on working on my site after this class is finished. I'm considering changing the format a bit. I would like to incorporate Javascript and more music players. I would like to work with the design more, both in appearance and structure. I'll be modifying my CSS and probably changing my color scheme around, although I still like it. I feel like there are many ways my site can improve. If I keep working on it, I'll figure out how to make my site work at its fullest potential.