Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Journal 58: December 2

So I'm hopelessly addicted to The X-Files, and have been for quite some time. Well, I've been trying to watch the whole series from start to finish this year, using my very small about of free time. I'm almost up to season four, but that's not what I'm intending on writing about here. What I've noticed by this excursion is how hilariously dated the show is by the technology it features. The characters scramble to find dial-up access, very few people possess cell phones, gene therapy is "theoretical," and huge villainous computers run programs straight out of the stone age. The show exists in an era when technology was still coming into its own, when there were just as many capabilities as creations. Information still had to be found using libraries and their micofiche. The Internet was used only by those highly versed in its strange ways. The thing is, it really wasn't that long ago. Yet, it still feels like a foreign world to me. In fact, I wasn't even that young - maybe eight years old. I guess the point of this post is that our technological world is advancing at such a rapid pace, and I'm not only involved in it, I'm trying to become entrenched in it. That means it won't just be my job to create with technology. It will also be my job to keep up with it.

1 comment:

RJD said...

The benefits of SciFi Channel are when they do X-Files marathons. And then I never get anything I should accomplished. That was a brilliant show.