Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Journal 59: December 2

I guess I'm still thinking about rapidly changing technology. I've realized that's pretty much why I became a Professional Writing major in the first place. I was originally a Journalism major. Though I was good at writing in a journalistic style, I really didn't like its constraining nature. But that's not what drove me to quit. I decided that the newspaper is quickly becomming an example of "old" technology - it's on the decline. So many people get their news from CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Etc. None of those media outlets have a printed edition. I looked at my future as a newspaper man, and it felt unstable. Web authoring is where the writing jobs are growing, and that's what I want to be doing when I graduate.

1 comment:

RJD said...

I think you could do a lot to help these organizations and think of new ways to share information and ideas and create new content.