Sunday, November 9, 2008

Journal 43: November 9

Okay, so MSU's Angel site could really use some redesigning. It's clunky, slow, and unreliable. I can never find where I need to go on it, and I swear some of my class pages change all the time. One of my professors has been trying to get grades updated this week, but Angel isn't posting the changes. It's a really frustrating system. Blackboard was used by my previous college. It is far superior to Angel. It's designed well, and I never noticed errors. Yes, MSU has provided a superior education, but I just wish its implemented technology would reflect that. Of course, redesigning Angel is too large a project for anyone in WRA 210, but the school should at least look into getting some more help in fixing the site.

1 comment:

RJD said...

Oh don't even get me started. There are focus groups on this. The basic issue? It isn't just made for MSU. It's made for K-12 institutions and college level, which means a lot of user needs (that contradict each other) and purposes (K-12 content standard +) to try and all address.