Sunday, November 30, 2008

Journal 49: November 30

I tried out a new MacBook Pro this weekend. I really love it. It's got an even sturdier aluminum frame than my PowerBook, but it's much lighter weight. It's eight times faster than my current Mac, and has 11 times more memory(40 times the current amount of memory left on it)! It's got six times the amount of RAM, too. Not to mention the latest version of OS X, so I can actually run programs made in the last three years. Between my tax rebate and increased hours at work this semester (maybe a little too increased, but we'll see), I should be all ready to go by the time Snow Leopard comes out. That means my Little PowerBook That Could will have to hang in there a bit longer. That shouldn't be a big deal, considering I have no technology-related courses this coming semester. But I really look forward to using Photoshop and Dreamweaver at home. It'll also be nice to have all my music on my laptop, instead of freeing up memory on my external hard drive. That kinda got old.

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